Week 146 (Music Room Floor, Part 1)

The installation of the wood floor in the Music Room is now in full swing, for real this time.  Here are three perspectives of first twelve diamonds:

Despite the awful spectrum of the mercury-vapor work lamp, these images do show how the wood appears to change color as one moves around the room.  It should be even more dramatic once the wood is finished.

So, what makes this such a challenge to install?  Read on…

Continue reading “Week 146 (Music Room Floor, Part 1)”

Week 145 (IAC Door Installation)

This week our door installation team hung 12 more IAC  doors, all in the Main building.  In this photo you can see 9 of them (if you know what to look for):

That’s one and a half tons of hardware that moves with effortless precision.  Let’s rewind a bit to see how we got here (and to see what else was accomplished)…

Continue reading “Week 145 (IAC Door Installation)”

Week 144 (IAC Doors Arrive)

We are still hoping to “open our doors” by the end of the year, and to do so we really need two things to happen:

  1. The delivery of doors
  2. A timely commissioning of our two consoles

Early Monday morning, and right on schedule, a truck pulled up to the site carrying 12,000 pounds of hardware and packaging from the Industrial Acoustics Company.  This directly addresses item #1, but it also critically enables item #2, because we have a lot of work to do before we are even ready to begin the console commissioning process.  Nevertheless, we do have a schedule that works if everybody delivers according to plan, and IAC did their part to initiate our 6-week sprint with an excellent start:

Continue reading “Week 144 (IAC Doors Arrive)”

Week 143 (Rope Lights)

This week was mostly progress on smaller things, which is sometimes needed so that bigger things can get done.  With our spiffy new cloud in the Music Room, we put up the finishing touch of some LED rope lights:

That’s just after they were installed by the electrician, but just before they were finally hidden with trim:

Continue reading “Week 143 (Rope Lights)”